Message to the Celebrities’ Agents and Managers

Golden Way Media Films
3 min readNov 3, 2021

Just like any other online business, film production companies, directors and producers get in touch with you as business entities to buy service from you. Being polite and accurate with everything you say and do toward your colleagues and prospects, get you a successful and long-lasting career in the showbiz. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation when everybody has to make a deal online, real lack of manners puts you out of business, especially if the one you deal with is a social media influencer herself that makes trend online! We are putting our money on your client. This is a chance we are taking, because without us your client/s won’t get role/s and as a result you go out of business. Bad manners jeopardize your celebrity client's reputation and career as well.

Hiring Cast

When you put your contact information online like IMDB or any other online places, it means that you are ready and open to do business. We all are super busy! That does not mean to be rude to people.

We are not in 50s-60s anymore when you know someone who knows someone in the film business. We are in the age of social media influencers and A.I search engines when a YouTuber is more popular than your celebrity A & B list clients. A social media influencer can easily outrank a movie on Amazon and the other platforms such as rotten tomatoes, PR platforms etc. We know how these algorithms work. This is how a pop singer with large social media followers that just started acting, gets Oscars or a 22 years old that has no experience in acting gets Oscars while a good actor with 40 years experience has not gotten any Oscars at all! Why? Because it is easy to manipulate tools which play an important role in getting someone nominated or win in an academic award and/or Oscars. It is all politics!

It is a proven fact in the history of show business that attaching an A or B list actor/actress alone does not guarantee sales when the film is released and distributed! You know it, I know it. So when we approach you to hire your client, we are risking our money, reputation, time and energy on him/her. Not to mention that the majority of these celebrities come with baggage and problems on social media that may hurt our brand and film when it is released. They say whatever they want on social media and attract bullies as a result, when they play in our movie we may get a problem with branding as well. Because when people start to hate a celebrity that once they loved before, they will hate every film with him/her in it too. So this is a chance we are taking when we contact your agency. You never know in a few months when our film is released, your celebrity actor who plays in our film would be loved by audience or not.

To be polite and nice to your prospect filmmakers is the least you can do. Celebrity actors won’t get important roles of characters between 18–25 years old when they reach 30, especially when they become cliché in almost all movies! Powerful actors get good roles even in their 80s, but in the current trend, you don’t see good performances from young actors and actresses under 30 anymore. CGI, sound effect, costume design, SFX makeup design and production design with good directing and cinematography hide bad performances these days. We are doing a service to give your actor a chance to play a different role that can increase their success and as a result yours.

We are making movies in various genres that are meaningful, entertaining and profitable. If you cannot see that, then you are not the right person to do business with. We choose wise and intelligent partners and collaborators and have no room and time for rude agents/managers that follow old day’s unwritten Hollywood rules. Time has changed. Wake up and smell the coffee, this is the age of artificial intelligence!

We have a couple of commercially viable feature films for cinematic release! We pay well. Get in touch to find out more.



Golden Way Media Films

Golden Way Media Films is a London based company offering 🎥short & feature film production and script coverage.